I need to make cards for Wanky "Hard" SF Writer Bingo. These are the spaces I have so far:
Turing Test that Alan Turing wouldn't have passed- Proving an entity's sapience and personhood involves demonstrating that the entity has a prurient interest in young, female humans. In many cases of this, the entity in question does not even have an organic body.
Hide the white women- Young, thin, human women or teenage girls with extremely pale skin (and usually with blond hair too) are super-attractive to all beings.
Obsessed with their own breasts- Any being with breasts is constantly aware of their shape, size, movement, nipple size, color and size of areolae, how the breasts are squished or held in place or not by completely standard everyday clothing, etc.
You keep using that word- Rape used as a metaphor for a thing that has absolutely nothing to do with non-consensual sex.
There's a word for that- Non-consensual sex occurs, but the narrative voice or a sympathetic character takes pains to point out that it was NOT RAPE.
Naked for the greater good- A contrived situation emerges in which the only logical course of action for a character is to remove every stitch of clothing and perform some series of athletic feats that give a watching mixed crowd a great view of everything. While she's doing this, she thinks about how some women would refuse to do this or think badly of her for doing this because it's immodest, but it doesn't bother her at all because modesty is a frivolous luxury that a woman who has her priorities in order simply cannot afford.
Adult writer audibly drooling over teenage character- Self-explanatory. The older I get, the more disgusting I find this.
Species of rational misogyny- Alien species in which males are sapient and females are not.
Species of dirty old men- Alien species whose biology requires extremely young females to bear the children of much older males.
Species of hot space babes- Alien species whose members look like female humanoids who are super-attractive by the standards of the writer's culture; males are either non-existent or super-ugly.
Does anybody out there have more? I just started (and quit) a book that had Adult writer audibly drooling over teenage character, You keep using that word, Obsessed with their own breasts, Turing Test that Alan Turing wouldn't have passed, Hide the white women and some ultra-creepy emotional incest that I'm not sure how to describe all in the first 32 pages.
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