I've been feeling guilty lately because I've been neglecting Dreamwidth and LJ posting, and I can't rightly blame it on being too busy with grad school or too distracted by tumblr. The truth is, I've been in a psychological hole for a while now. I've had time but not enough energy or spirit to make use of it. I am determined to do really good work in my doctoral program, but I'm constantly worried that I can't. I spend so much of my thought power fighting that, and I haven't had much left over to do anything interesting. I haven't been totally lost, though. I had an event to attend this weekend, and during the meetings, I realized that things have been coming together for my group better than I expected, and I've been contributing to the project more than I felt like. I still think I can and should do more, both for the project and for my own self.
So here I am, posting again, mostly because I think that if I can find it in me to do one more thing, I'll be able to do another thing after that, and another one, and then another, until I'm all-around okay again.
This entry was originally posted at
http://gryphonsegg.dreamwidth.org/79219.html. Please comment there using OpenID.