Okay, I have officially registered for my required classes in the fall! I still need to choose a few more to get full time status, and I need to keep looking for an apartment. I was hoping to upgrade to a bigger apartment (with room for a bigger bed and perhaps a dishwasher) when I move at the end of summer. So far, it's looking like I'll get to do that, but I'll have to choose between paying a higher rent than I'd like for an apartment closer to campus and commuting a longer distance. If anyone has recommendations for selling books and assorted household supplies this summer, I'd love to hear them.
I'm about halfway through Save Me the Waltz this afternoon. It covers many of the same themes as The Great Gatsby but does so in a way that puts less distance between the characters whose fates are in question and the narrative voice (and hence the reader). I plan to finish it and write a post about it. There's another book I want to post about, but I'm hesitant because it would end up being a not-complimentary post about a book by a rather young author. That other book isn't offensively bad like the things that usually inspire me to complain about books. It just takes itself very seriously despite being built on premises that are so implausible as to be silly. So I don't know what I should do about that.
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