Here's hoping this is the end

Mar 13, 2012 16:15

Apparently, women are finally fleeing the Republican party in droves after waking up to the fact that it is controlled by and beholden to people who hate them to an extreme that recently-ex-Republican women had never before imagined. All I can say is, good-- or rather, better but still not good enough.

It makes me sick to know that people in my own family are sticking with the anti-uterine party. Some of them are lost causes, but I am seriously considering sending a letter to my father, explaining that a) all the currently viable Republican candidates for the presidency have issued mealy-mouthed "let's be civil" statements which effectively reveal that they agree with Rush Limbaugh that I am a prostitute because I have ovarian cysts and want to have this treated with medication instead of risking abdominal surgery to remove my ovaries and b) no Republican politician on the national stage has voiced any objection to the ongoing debacle in Georgia, where Republicans in the state legislature have made it known that they believe that having a miscarriage is a sin so vile, so heinous that any animal-- cow, pig, or woman-- that is degenerate enough to commit it deserves to be forced to carry a corpse around inside its body until the animal's body either expels the corpse spontaneously or dies of the resultant complications. Those bastards really do think of us as nothing but machines for making sons. And if a machine breaks down or isn't good enough to spit out live, healthy sons on schedule, the thing to do is just scrap that flawed machine and buy a new one. I can't stand this anymore. Yes, I'm taking it personally. These issues are as personal as anything gets!

I probably won't send that letter. I don't have the courage to write the words "ovarian cyst," let alone the word "rape," on a piece of paper and send it to my father. But I wish I did. And the longer this goes on, the closer I get to turning my mountains of fear and anxiety and anger and sadness and frustration and desperation into a cobbled-together substitute for courage and doing it anyway.

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smash the patriarchy, just no

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