Kind of conflicted over here . . .

May 22, 2011 11:24

I gave up on X-Men and on Marvel as a whole long ago. Less long ago, I gave up on seeing movies in mainstream theaters (with one instance of backsliding to indulge my lingering weakness for certain wand-swishing bookworms). Yet I'm really, really tempted by X-Men: First Class. The premise sounds like it's closer to an Xavier/Magneto movie than I ever dared hope for. On the other hand, I'm very worried about how the female characters will be treated. I don't want to give any more money to Marvel because of all the many ways they have disappointed me in the past. The third X-Men movie REALLY pissed me off like only those who were there would believe. But . . . but . . . Xavier/Magneto!

Whatever I decide to do about the actual movie, I know without a doubt that it will cause an upsurge of Xavier/Magneto fanfic, and I will be reading more of that than any carbon-based lifeform should.

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fandom, nerdrage, fanlove

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