Has it been a month? I blame Twitter.

Aug 24, 2009 09:34

Yes, I realize it’s been a month since my last substantive LJ post, and you’ve all been on tenterhooks. My apologies.

I blame Twitter. Well, okay, it’s not entirely Twitter’s fault, but it bears at least part of the blame. Y’see, I signed up for Twitter a month or so ago, figuring it would be a good way to market my books as they came out. (I’m at gryphonrose over there, in case anyone’s interested.)

Then I discovered that a lot of my friends are Twittering a lot more often than they’re posting on LJ.

Then I finally got Twitter to synch with Facebook, so my Twitter posts automatically update my Facebook status.

And suddenly I was Twittering far more often than I was posting on Facebook *or* LJ. Only a few times a day, and only 120 characters each time, but it sort of took over my “updating friends” timeslots.

Sorry about that.

So what have I been doing in the past month? Let’s see:

I finished a new junior novel-I’m not sure I’m allowed to say what it is yet, but it’s for a kids’ TV series that’s also a game. It’s an original story set in that world, and actually provides a lot of background to some things that are going on in episodes now, so it was a lot of fun to write.

I started the second summer novel, which is due at the end of next month. It’s based on a very fun TV series-one of our current favorites, actually-and I’m having a blast so far. Again, not sure I can reveal it yet. I will as soon as I know it’s been cleared.

I’ve talked with my editor about the upcoming middle-grade series, and have deadlines for the first two books.

I’ve written sample chapters for another possible project.

I started work on another speculative collaborative project. That makes six at the moment, in various stages of completion.

I picked up a short RPG project.

I got some good news, which I’ll share once it’s official. I know, the suspense!

I saw District 9. It’s excellent. It’s also a bit disturbing, and not for the reasons you would normally expect from an SF movie involving aliens (gore, gross aliens). No, it’s the subject matter and the way various characters behave that’s disturbing, but that’s also what made it such a good movie. I think it has a real shot at getting award attention-it’s basically an excellent dramatic film about real societal issues thinly veiled as SF. Which is exactly the way good SF should work. We see it in novels, but rarely in movies, which tend to go more for SF-action and Space Opera.

I got to see an old friend who was up for a brief trip, and my adoptive sister and her husband, who have moved up here. Actually all for the aforementioned District 9, though my friend also joined a bunch of us for dinner beforehand and dessert afterward.

jendaby and I had slothshaman, jon_chance, and glennhauman over for a nice quiet dinner, which was a lot of fun-excellent food, excellent wine (I actually liked both red wines!), excellent company.

We’ve decided to cut back on Movie Nights and only have them probably once a month, but at a more set schedule. That way people can plan for them better, and it’s more of an event so hopefully people will make the time to come out.

We went to the Bronx Zoo! puppetmaker40 joined us, along with the two youngest David sisters and a friend, and we wandered around for over five hours! Everyone had a blast, though we were all beat by the end. jendaby and I went ahead and got a family zoo membership, so we definitely plan to get some use out of that by going more often. The cool thing is, it’s good for not only the Bronx Zoo but also the Queens Zoo, the Prospect Park Zoo, the Central Park Zoo, and the Coney Island Aquarium. Neat!

Yesterday we finally got to a Mets game! It was our first time at Citifield, and we were impressed-it’s a very nice stadium, with reasonably comfortable (for a stadium) seats, good sightlines, and good distribution of food and bathrooms. We went with infinitydog and his lovely wife, and slothshaman and his buddy, and everyone had a good time, despite the Mets. Though the ninth inning was really exciting, and I have a hard time feeling bad about the outcome-sure, I wanted the Mets to win, but it was an amazing play and the kind of thing you just have to acknowledge and accept. We’ll definitely try to go again soon.

I feel like some other things have been going on but I can’t remember what right now. Anyway, things are moving along, the kids are good, etc. Just busy. I’ll try to post on LJ more regularly again, though. If Twitter will let me. :)

family, writing, books, work

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