I love it when a plan comes together

Oct 09, 2001 15:45

Sorry, had always wanted to use that line.

Nope, it's just nice to get out of the gym feeling... good. Calf's still tight, but it doesn't hurt. It'll be tight for weeks, honestly, until I get the muscle tone back and slowly limber up the scar tissue on the tendon. Oh, well. Beats tearing it completely and doing surgery. But I love it. Doing weights, and stretching, and swimming, and bopping out three hours later with the shoulders properly aligned back and down, and the head up, and just... bouncing. ::grin::

Now, I just have to start walking and doing Pilates three of the other days of the week. No problem. Dragon's promised to start waking me up with him on the mornings I don't steal the car and pushing me out the door to go walk. It's certainly gorgeous weather for it, that's for damn sure. ::sigh, purr, bounce some more 'cause I can....::

And my blood sugar hasn't dropped in months.

exercise: walks, health, exercise

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