December posting meme

Nov 29, 2016 23:01

Gacked from
resonant &
sharpest_asp , then combined:  Here's how it works. Choose a date in December. Ask me a question, or request a character/characters and give me a prompt of a trope, meme, words, image, lines of poetry, etc. I'll make a post about your question, or give you at least 3 sentences of a fic I'm (probably) not writing on the date you choose.

I'll cut tag this and start adding days/requests as I get them.

Dec 1 -- What The Right Hand Is Doing, MCU AU, WIP.  Everyone knows the Winter Soldier has a metal arm. Not everyone agrees which arm.
Dec 2 -- Furlough, WIP, HL/MCU, started before Avengers 1 came out.  Steve Rogers getting his first long leave since Project: Rebirth; in D.C., in 2012, touring museums with an agent to keep an eye on him.
Dec 3 -- An Accumulation of Anguish, WIP, HL/MCU, started for Spook_Me.  "Sean was forking layers of cake apart to get the last few almond slices out of the frosting when he saw the dead woman walk by."  (Also Opportunities-verse!)
Dec 4 -- Set Up, Waylaid sequel start for
killabeez ' birthday
Dec 5 -- Depth of Field, Chapter 1, the next Southern Comfort fic. (WIP!!)
Dec 6 --
ymfaery , post what I have so far of The Ransom of the Redheaded League.  (Yeah, Opportunities-verse and really, it's kind of the mash-up that title suggests.)
Dec 7 --
ymfaery , whichever Immortals (and friends) honoring the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.  (Perfect thanks!)    ...Greatly Exaggerated epilogue:      Coda.  And  Cider.
Dec 8 -- REST  DAY!
Dec 9 --
mayireadtoday , Comrades in Arms, Rachel as a young woman
Dec 10 -- some favorite HL songvids
Dec 11 -- chapter two of Ransom of the Redheaded League.
Dec 12 -- second chapter of Depth of Field, the next Southern Comfort fic. (WIP!!)  CLIFFHANGER!
Dec 13 -- The Veneer Job, HL/Leverage/Undercover Blues.  Another WIP that is going to get finished!
Dec 14 -- First half of Metals & Mettle  (title still subject to change); Miss Marple housing an American army officer during WWII while he investigates a possible murder between St. Mary Mead and Much Benham.
Dec 15 --
seferin , Lucien Lacroix and Nick Knight offering advice on Immortality to a new Immortal, be it Marc or someone else.  Coffee, Cookies, and Contentment
Dec 16 -- REST  DAY!  (Bake ALL  the cookies!)  And then I still posted Silvered Sight, HL/Haven WIP, Aidan-vesre AU. WIP but will eventually be finished for
spook_me .
Dec 17 -- some current fandoms
Dec 18 -- third chapter of Depth of Field, the next Southern Comfort fic. (WIP!!)  Cliffhanger is now mostly resolved.
Dec 19 --
sharpest_asp , Immortal and Mortal of your choice. How the mortal birthdays affect both halves of the pair. Sparks and Memories.
Dec 20 --
skeddy_kat , Marc (and Methos for preference, Rich if story needs) at the Scipio Christmas.  Or, you know, Aidan-verse,
Dec 21 --
devohoneybee , Solstice. Some seeds only germinate in fire. your choice (any, some, or all): LaCroix, Rebecca, Ceiridwin.
Dec 22 -- 
samjohnsson how Marc Scipio and Sam Wilson met. (Because of course they did.)
Dec 23 --
springwoof , a bit of something Due South-y (crossover or otherwise).  No zombies this time, brain!!
Dec 24 -- reserved because I  might have a finished fic to post then.
Dec 26 -- last chapter (of what I'm sure of so far) of Depth of Field, the next Southern Comfort fic. (WIP!!)  (It leaves us on a a cliffhanger, but what else is new with me?)
Dec 27 -- open
Dec 28 -- second half (so far) of Metals &  Mettle  (title still subject to change); Miss Marple housing an American army officer during WWII while he investigates a possible murder between St. Mary Mead and Much Benham.
Dec 29 -- last day of posting.  Traveling the 30th-1st.

Posting this now to have a couple days to get ahead on these!
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fandom, stories: opportunities-verse, stories: aidan-verse, writing, stories: southern comfort, holidays, meme

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