I sort of want to nominate Batman for sainthood, aka my multi-fandom morning

Sep 20, 2016 12:47

Why? Because I honestly do not know if I just took yoga with the Penguin or an Ent.  And apparently everyone else in the class knew about this guy; it was very empty on my side of the room until the latecomers had to take the spaces left.

Try to imagine someone breathing like Penguin's hnr-hnr-hnr laugh.  When it slowed down a little, he sounded more like an ent with hrm-hm rm-em.  For a brief, shining minute or two during the final corpse pose meditation the noises vanished entirely, only to resume just before we left.  I honestly don't know if he had some lung/health issues, was a little deaf, or just lives alone and doesn't realize how much he vocalizes to himself, but 70 minutes of this was kinda crazy-making.*  (I do have to say, the guy does a damn fine headstand and he's in his upper 60s/low 70s!  Me, I can't do one yet at all!)

* -- It was not on a par with Esme Weatherwax's snore.  This was a consolation.

So, for putting up with the laugh and locking Penguin up instead of throwing him off a Gotham dock, I feel inclined to nominate Batman for sainthood.

That said?  Next class, I'll put my mat out on the other side of the room....

Then I walked out of the gym and passed a car with a Stark Industries logo sticker.  Nicely fannish morning. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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fandoms: lotr, exercise: yoga, health, easily amused, day in the life, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: dcu

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