That wasn't slash. Slash is usually subtext.

Feb 11, 2016 22:31

I'm not even going to try to be coherent about Hail, Caesar!  Here.  Have some bullet points that pretty much come down to 'Yeah, go see that!'
  • This movie is solid crack when it's not solid sex.  Okay, fine.  It's kind of crack/satire/Hollywood movie set piece all laid over as much sexual symbolism, innuendo, and crotch shots as they could manage.
  • Scarlett Johansson's cleavage, like George Clooney's thighs, should get their own billing for this movie.  Although the POV on the rocking chair shots is also worthy of  note.  (Yes. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.)
  • I did not know Clooney could do slapstick so well, nor that Channing Tatum can sing.
  • Also?  Tatum's song and dance number?  Is not subtext.  Neither is the symbolism in Johansson's water choreography.
  • Expect to spend parts of the movie staring at the screen and going, "What the FUCK?'  When not staring at it and going, "They didn't... oh yes they did.  Wow."
  • If you like theology, the priest, the pastor, the Greek Orthodox priest, and the rabbi discussing the script about Jesus is hilarious; Devo, you really, really want to see it if only for this, with Robert Picardo as the rabbi.
  • Everyone else, take your pick and decide if you want to see it for Johannson, or Tilda Swinton as the twin, rival gossip columnists, or for Clooney in tunic and leather overskirt, or the ridiculously pretty cowboy star or Tatum in sailor suit.
  • Highlander fans, it has cameo appearances by Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown.   Clancy gets the meatier part, honestly, but Lambert is pretty damn funny.

Okay, gone again.  Man, that was serious amounts of crack!
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movies, movies: recommendations, fandoms: highlander, easily amused

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