Alternate realities meme

Dec 26, 2015 22:09

I did this 3 years ago and had such a blast that I'm tossing it back out again:

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I will (attempt to) give you (only) 5 sentences from or about it.

Available fandoms are Highlander, Forever Knight, X-Files, Forever, MCU, Leverage, Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, Thin Man, Miss Marple, Undercover Blues, Victor/Victoria, Big Trouble In Little China, etc, etc.  Really, ask about any fandom I've got in tags or that you've seen me chat about.  Hell, if you're not sure, just ask -- you never know, I might be able to pull something off. I managed to do a brief NCIS appearance once, after all!

Crossovers always welcome  Also, this is me:  It'll probably end up half a page or a page, not one or two paragraphs.  What the hell, though, I haven't finished nearly enough things this year:  go for it!

Two fills so far at Livejournal and oh god, they're getting longer as I go.  EEP?
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memes, writing, crossovers, easily amused

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