Where I've been

Dec 05, 2015 23:27

Um.  So.  I kind of fell off the earth, posting-wise.  This is, sadly, easily explained and involves way too much time in hospitals.  My father-in-law spent most of October in hospital, first for open heart surgery and then recovering from the surgery.  He's recovering but that was October, plus a friend's wedding on Halloween.

And then I spent most of November getting progressively more tired and um, might might have spent Thanksgiving week in hospital myself.  It turns out that a, you can go straight to pneumonia without starting with respiratory illness (I had not known this) and b, apparently there is an atypical form of walking pneumonia which is both relatively dry in the amount of coughing and bacterial, not viral.  ::sighs:: This makes it hard to diagnose.  My doc was going to start me on antibiotics that Monday and instead I spiked 104.1 and got admitted to a hospital. Then it took them a while to figure out what the hell was going on; the broad-spectrum antibiotics were only lowering the fever, not killing it.  I did say atypical, right?

So.  I spent most of Thanksgiving week in a hospital bed with way too may antibiotics, and then the week after Thanksgiving Dragon and I stayed at a friend's house, because she was more central to help and I was little tired and scatterbrained and might need said help.  It's kind of been a horrible few weeks, honestly.

I can't decide if I'm relieved or just puzzled -- this has not set off an inflammatory flare-up.  In fact, this is the sickest I've been in 25 years that *wasn't* from lupus or fibro.  I got nothing.  I foresee my GP muttering, too.  And I honestly don't know if I should be relieved that my immune system isn't in overdrive or to bitch about 'the one time it would have been *useful*....'

But I'm home, and I should even on line more often now, and well, yeah.  This fall has not worked out as I would have liked.  :shrugs:: Oh, well.  Things happen.  I will probably be slow replying to this simply because I'm taking a while to get my energy back.  Sorry.  But yes.  I still aten't dead.  I hope I didn't worry anyone.

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family, health, i got nothing

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