About Kronos as Pestilence...

Oct 25, 2015 01:05

They were the the Four Horsemen.  Methos was Death.  Caspian was probably Famine; Silas would seem to be War (not in the sense of strategy but in the willingness to erupt).  But with those monkeys and the plagues, Kronos was Pestilence.  Looking at this article, it's entirely possible that's how he died, too.*  I've known for years that the Black Plague hit Europe in Justinian's day, well before the Middle Ages, but no, 2800 BCE would not have occurred to me. Huh.  Wonder if that's why Kronos liked it as a tool?  It would also mean that Cassandra would always have been a target.  If you're using plague warfare, well.  First thing we do, let's kill all the healers.

* No, sorry.  I don't hold with that 'violent death to trigger immortality' thing from Highlander the Raven, not least because I've always thought it was a toss-up if Amanda died from the head injury or the plague.

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writing: character discussions, meta, history, fandoms: highlander

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