In an attempt to let others learn from my mistakes

Sep 13, 2015 20:54

There comes an age, and apparently I have hit it, when I must let the toddler bounce off me instead of ending up with me bouncing.

By which I mean, yeah, really, apparently spraining an ankle -- a sadly common occurrence in my life -- now involves the ankle, both palms, and the opposite knee (I have no idea how I scraped this much of my knee in one fall; it looks like two should have been necessary) and hip/lower back.  Everything's healing quite nicely, other than shifting position being a little tricky when the back/hip whines too much, and, being me, I have managed to sprain my ankle back into proper alignment.  Feel free to laugh; I did.

In conclusion?  Oops.

Although at least I didn't lose one half of my lion, as one of today's lion dancers did. Local Chinese restaurant reopened after a kitchen fire and brought in lion dancers to chase out bad luck.  I rather think they succeeded.  The drumming was amazing!

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day in the life, health, age, easily amused

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