In honor of Errol Flynn's birthday, some sword quotes

Jun 20, 2015 13:17

Those who play with the devil's toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword.
     - Buckminster Fuller, 1895 - 1983

When the sword is once drawn, the passions of men observe no bounds of moderation.
     - Alexander Hamilton, 1757 - 1804

Justice which does not bear a sword beside its scales soon falls into ridicule.
     - Charles de Gaulle, 1899 - 1970

A sword is never enough. The mind is also a weapon, but like the sword it must be honed and kept sharp.
     - Louis L'Amour, 1908 - 1988

All books are either dreams or swords,
You can cut, or you can drug, with words.
     - Amy Lowell, 1874 - 1925

I cannot think the disputes and jealousies of Heaven are tried and settled by the swords of earth.
     - James Anthony Froude, 1818 - 1894

The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.
     - Marty Feldman, 1933 - 1982 Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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