7 lines meme

Jun 06, 2015 14:50

keerawa - Seven lines from the seventh page of my longest WIP.

A little Southern Comfort, for your reading pleasure. And to encourage me to actually sit down and finish the damn thing!

"Did they give you time to eat, or have you been living on coffee again?" Duncan asked, his voice gone gentle as it did when he fussed that Joe had been on his feet too much. Duncan smelled of fresh-cut wood, wood stain, and new rain, although the storm had only just started and showed signs of pouring all night. In combination, it was enough to tell Matthew he'd probably worked late at the antiques store he was opening.

Matthew took the sandwich and managed a smile in apology for his temper; he also tried to keep his eyes from giving away his worries. "There was a sandwich somewhere in there, and someone brought in doughnuts mid-afternoon. Dreadful sense of humor on the woman, but it's rare enough to have a new agent who still admits she has one." He shrugged and sipped his coffee, grateful for caffeine that hadn't scorched all afternoon.
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memes, writing, stories: southern comfort, writing: updates

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