About Dragon

Oct 22, 2014 22:02

Okay. I'm going to start with this part: Dragon is okay and expected to make a complete recovery.

Saturday afternoon, while doing the year's safety checks for his family, a deer stand that Dragon was in fell off the tree. They airlifted him to the regional trauma center because they suspected a skull fracture. He had both a fracture and a nickel-sized skull depression. They operated on him about 2 AM Sunday morning. (The stitches and shaved skull look like Halloween come early.)

Turns out, he also has some cracks across five lumbar vertebrae and will be living in a back brace for 6 weeks to 3 months. It is "NOT spine-threatening," which is a direct quote from one of the nurses, and all the doctors say he doesn't need surgery for his back. He's lost some sensation in his right hand -- he says it's the touch equivalent of having a radio that's on medium volume instead of high -- and his right foot is reacting a little slowly.

All of that is the bad news. There's a LOT of good news, primarily that he's expected to make a complete recovery!

He's been awake, alert, and responsive (by which I mean making jokes and charming nurses) the entire time since he woke up. For that matter, he woke up and drove himself back to his family's place to call for help after the fall. And the hand and foot are doing better pretty much daily, quite possibly as the swelling keeps going down. The neurosurgeons have cleared him; the trauma docs have cleared him; PTs have cleared him. His appetite's good; he's home finally, about four days after the accident. (To be honest, I'm so tired that days have run together. It feels like two weeks.)

So, he's crazy tough and he's doing really well, but it's been an insane four days. So now I'm home keeping an eye on him, catching up on sleep and laundry, and being grateful
tarshaan is here. She arrived here in the middle of this and has been nothing short of a godsend. Clearly we'll go to Gatlinburg another time.

I'm really sorry to be telling y'all all this so late, but everything has been bedlam. (Okay. Most of my in-laws have been a complete and utter pain in the ass and managing them has been horrible.) Any and all good wishes and prayers are much appreciated and I apologize in advance for being late replying to things but right now, we're all sleep-deprived. But he's well and probably going to make a complete recovery and there aren't words for how grateful I am. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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family, health, dragon, families of choice, friends

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