Happy Lammas!

Aug 01, 2014 21:28

To those who celebrate it, including me, happy Lammas!

To my amusement, I seem to be writing Aidan-verse fic, in which her students show up for Lammas after the line war. Without, you know, telling her they were coming. So, OCs everywhere including several y'all haven't met. I'll post the first page(s) before I crash for the night!  And I've got a week of characters showing up, so yell if there's someone you want to meet.  I make no promises on Surersh, who's really a loner.  he's already decided to come to Damien's wedding next spring, so he's probably not coming.  But Aidan's students, the twins', Connor's, Ramirez', Methos', and maybe even a chunk of Line Constantine could happen.

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pagan, characters: aidan, writing: updates, holidays, characters: marc scipio, characters: alex & xan

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