If we'd known then what we know now...

Oct 16, 2013 23:41

I'm rewatching Haven as
devohoneybee  gets dragged into it kicking, screaming, and giggling.  Watching 1.13, Spirals, with Max Hansen threatening Duke... I have to say this. I can't be the only one kinda wishing Duke had killed him, can I?  Let's face it; given Hansen's background, Garland would have covered that story without blinking, with Dave and Vince as Greek chorus, I mean eyewitnesses.  But damn it, now I'm wondering about Max's back-story with both Teagues.  He almost killed Vince?  And Dave's first thought was that he wanted money?  Did Max know something about how the Teagues acquired all their money, which Tommy Brown/the skinwalker suggested had been done illicitly?  Inquiring minds want to know -- or at least want fic! 
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easily distracted, fandoms: haven

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