Man, that was fun!

Sep 16, 2013 01:38

I haven't done concentrated data hunting in a while, and I just spent three hours tracking down Air Force and Army service ribbons and medals for a friend. She inherited a box from her dad with random, and sometimes repeating, service ribbons. Some are amazingly faded, several are no longer issued (he served before WWII was declared, during WWII, during Korea, and did a tour in Vietnam before he finally retired), and a couple were a stone witch to trace down because he was originally Army Air Corps, so I ended up hunting through the Army service ribbons to track down some of them.

However, I have done it.  I have achieved victory over the service ribbons and now I just have to figure out what the blazes the rank patches are.  I'm starting to think that it's as simple as the chevron to rocker ratios were handled differently, but I'm going to have to hunt that down, too. ::amused:: Then I have to pull out the order of precedence chart and some implements of destruction flat-head screwdrivers and needle-nose pliers to assemble these in the right order to hand them all back.

Amazing how accomplished I feel for pulling this off, though.  And how much I miss the gentleman.  ::amused:: Dad G loved to hear stories about our group's D&D campaigns, and would give advice on what he thought we were doing wrong.  Frequently it included, "Yeah, not looking up will get you in trouble."  Tomorrow, I'll lift a glass in his honor again. (Tonight, I'm going to bed.)  Night, all!

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military, easily distracted, cheerful things, history, research, friends

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