Recs and glee!

Sep 08, 2013 16:20

Oh my gods, you guys. First, I got my
spook_me prompts this morning, and they're glorious. However: I also got a notification that I'd been podficced, which has never happened before.
SisterofWar not only did an amazing job, but she podficced one of my
spook_me stories, And Sinister, and it came out gorgeously!

Last, last night I devoured -- and today I'm trying to figure out feedback to leave -- an AU in which Gwen Stacy is the one who ends up Spiderman.  I don't even read Spiderman and this story is astounding. I cannot recommend it highly enough, so, go, read Maggie Fitzwilliam and the Saltwater Drip. You'll need time, it's not short, but it's worth every minute.

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fandoms: greek mythology, challenges: spook me, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: x-files, fic: postings, holidays: halloween

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