Haven rewatch

Aug 31, 2013 16:31

::cheerful:: I'm rewatching season 2 of Haven and, later, this post will contain things I find interesting as I go through these. Partly I'm rewatching before season 4 starts on the 13th, and before season 3 comes out on DVD on the 3rd? But partly I'm rewatching to see what difference it makes to know a few more things about this show that came out last season.

So, later there will be s. 2 and s. 3 spoilers behind a cut. Right now, on a completely spoiler-free note, I'd just like to say that I'm amazed by how much I like so many of these characters, and how much I dislike the antagonists. (The Rev, in particular, I would stomp all over in shit-kicker boots, which I consider a credit to the actor.) And I'd just like to repeat, thank you to everyone who said, "No, really, Rhi, you'll love this show, try it one more time?" Because you guys were right.

2.1, A Tale of Two Audreys:
  • Jesus H. Christ. One, Duke hears his dad described as "He was brave, he was just, and he stood with the righteous," and Duke's reply is, "That doesn't sound like him." (I love that he won't go in the church with the Rev.) Almost immediately followed by, "No, my father drowned at sea. I was there." Which I hadn't realized, that Duke saw his father die. OUCH.
  • And yeah. The Rev's comment of "In Haven, the police aren't the answer to anything," with its implicit, "I, and my Church, have the answer for everything," is one of the reasons I just cannot stand him. I don't want my help, or anyone else's, to depend on someone else's perception of my religion or lack thereof. (Yup. I have trouble with some organized religious leaders.)
  • I love the opening credits, and the music. (God, I love the music on this show.)
  • On an outside the universe note, I'd just like to say that I wish I could have seen the expression when the Haven people called to order however many rubber frogs for this ep.
  • Also? I love the way the two Audreys work together. (God, I liked Audrey two. And Nathan's immediate defense about "I know *her*" about Audrey one.)
  • I do have to wonder if the flaming hail mentioned in here was a warning for the end of s. 3? (And if they ended up with a shortage of first born sons over the intermission between 3 and 4?)
  • There may not be words for how much I adore the Teague brothers. I'm just saying.
  • For my own notes, this is the episode where there's a projection of the town map up onto the wall in the interrogation room.
  • Evi, Evi, Evi, Evi! Oh, I miss this woman. Sharp, lovely, and with vast *tracts* of agency. (Evidence Ryan on the Ryan Atlantic II. What is this with Duke and his wife both owning boats? Oh, right, smugglers.)
  • Also? Gorgeous town! I really doubt I'm cut out for New England winters after growing up in the South, but damn!
  • Why am I not surprised that the guy in town that will sell you a gun without worrying about paperwork hangs out at the Grey Gull?
  • :blink: It's implied that Duke a. has a brother and b. is a younger son at that. Interesting!!!
  • ::giggling:: They managed to freak out the FBI AGENT with the gallows humor about the chief being (literally) in the cooler. I love it!!
  • God. TJ is a man who needs to be *really* careful about what he reads. I mean, talk about needing someone to give him warnings on "No, really, that's too dark for you…." And the Rev's crack about the lamb lying down with the lion about Duke and Nathan makes sense, knowing what we know now about Duke's Trouble.
  • God. Poor Duke. He tried to warn Evi that staying in Haven was really dangerous.
  • Also, I notice Duke and Nathan both think the other should tell him important things, like deceased fathers and living wives. (And Duke's right. He is the lion of the two…. The stuff the writers layer into this show!!)

Gah!  Sorry about the cut not going where it should last time, guys!  Also, the blinking is now fixed.  Sheesh.

2.2: Fear & Loathing:
  • Is this the only time we see Nathan in the police uniform? He looks good in it.
  • Oh, man. I love the two Audreys together. Look, sisters! (They did have fun with that, too; I think they both really *liked* having a sister, for however little time.)
  • Audrey two 'I've been trying to come up with some rational explanation for the tings that happen in this crazy town.' Too funny! :giggling:
  • And Vince and Dave arguing over who looks to see why there's basically a riot. Dave's terrified of Lucy? He loved her. And Vince loves extra vanilla in his root bear.
  • ::giggling:: Yeah. I like Audrey two using the same threat on Duke that Audrey one used. Also, Cape Rouge has security cameras, huh? (What? Some of these are notes for future fics.) :blinks:: Duke's good enough to hack into the marina security system? The entire marina? And I love that Audrey two is so… careful/precise about it when she says she owes Duke one.
  • I have to say, if this is the first Nathan's felt in years, he shouldn't be running something a flower petal over the most sensitive skin on his body *while also driving a car in traffic.* I'm just saying.
  • I do kinda love the gorgon/Medusa implications of this. Although that poor kid. What a horrible Trouble. (And Nathan's right: who'd want his Trouble. Because dear God. Not feeling is not the same as not taking damage!)
  • Lovely quarter moon shots of the town, too.
  • Ah, some of the most terrifying words in any language: "Let's see if this really works."
  • And it's clear that the Troubles have always been in Haven, back into the early 1600s. And oh, yeah. Knowing what we now know, it makes much more sense that Vince knows about that puzzle board.
  • Duke doesn't lie well. That… actually surprises me. Also, when he wants an honest answer, he looks to Nathan.
  • Oh, God. Nathan had to kill Ian. Do we have any idea how many he's killed? And I love that Duke's the pragmatist going, 'Let him die. He tried to kill the entire town.'
  • ::sighs:: God. I'm glad Nathan got Ian to die with Jackie's Trouble - she couldn't have much of a life with it. But man. Rough for him to have to do. (And man, his *eyes* when she's hugging him.)
  • I kinda love that Dave and Vince just… ignore Duke's demands to know where they're gonna hide the puzzle pieces. But I wish Julia Carr hadn't left. I liked her. And we could use more women as recurring characters on this show. Laverne's just a voice, and the coroner's dead. Also? I'm just saying? Sometimes the Teagues quit being innocuous, friendly, local meddlers - and then they're *terrifying*.
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fandom, easily distracted, cheerful things, fandoms: haven

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