Yay! My favorite challenge is back!

Aug 24, 2013 15:11

spook_me  is gearing up again, early and for the eighth year.  This year, they're adding a new monster to the list of prompts:  Dragons!  (What?  Look at who I'm married to; do you expect anything but caps and exclamation points there?)  So, I'm already signed up.  I will point out to the rest of y'all that we're at X-Files 20th Anniversary year, that Highlander hits voting age this year, and well, come on, folks, Halloween stories about dragons (Night Vale?), men in black (MCU), shapeshifters (X-Files), dragons (Buffy, Teen Wolf), et al?  You get the idea.

This year, the prompts are going to be tarot cards.  You only have to use one card (you'll get two) or one monster of your choice (not even necessarily the original choice if you get a better idea) for it to count.

If you do want to sign up, go here.  It's a no pressure challenge:  no minimum or maximum length, almost two months to write, and per the rules of the challenge, if you're not having fun, it's time to stop writing.  Hope to see some of you there in a couple months!
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challenges: spook me, writing, challenges, cheerful things, psa, easily amused, holidays: halloween

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