I still boggle about parts of this movie...

Aug 17, 2013 22:59

Jeff and Jane Blue are still hilarious (it would help if Jeff didn't look so much like my younger brother) and every time I watch the credits, I realize I've forgotten Saul Rubinek is in it. (A young, slimmer Saul Rubinek. I'm sensing a theme here.) Back to watching and writing. I've given up on trying to keep track out of how many teeth Muerte loses, but I'd also forgotten that Jane just cannot knit. (Also? Lord, Stanley Tucci is young, thin, and muscular in this.)

ETA: Why is it always Budapest? Seriously. Novacek hates the Blues over something that happened in Budapest. (Why do I know no one else is gonna write the Avengers/Undercover Blues crossover?)

Expect more updates as I keep watching this movie. God, Fiona Shaw chews scenery like the glorious professional she is. And oh my god, the eye candy in this.... Kathleen Turner in the running shorts. Hell, Dennis Quaid in those running shorts. Or the pyjama pants.

One day, I will try drinking every time Muerte screams like a girl (it was an amazing falsetto, you had to hear him to believe it), but I'm scared of the alcohol poisoning if I try...

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writing: the good crack again, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: undercover blues, crossovers, writing: story ideas, easily amused, what was i thinking?

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