Two stories I hope to one day see, free to good home.

Aug 10, 2013 23:23

Given the bit in "Not To Be" with Amanda as a black widow... does no one else want a fic where she and Natasha are both after the same guy for different reasons?  And, quite possibly, team up against the guy?  (The idea of Amanda eventually freelancing for SHIELD is terrifying, however.)

Also, am I the only one who thinks Kono from Hawai'i Five-O would make an amazing immortal?  I mean, she's got great balance, great hand-eye coordination, and the idea of that good cheer and friendly disposition bouncing down through history just makes me grin.

And now I'm going to go soak and, for once, crash early.  Fic posting tomorrow, though.  Night, all!

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writing: story ideas, writing: free to a good home, easily amused, fandoms: marvel, crossovers, cheerful things, easily distracted, fandoms: highlander

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