Three things make a post

Aug 01, 2013 19:31

1) Well, I'm back. Mostly. Sort of. If I can catch up on my sleep, anyway. Lord, my family is exhausting in large groups for extended periods.... (10 adults and 6 kids from 9 months to 18 years, for 5 nights and 4 days.) Whoof!

2) Really, really bad ideas, three of them.

A: Is not my fault. I did NOT come up with this. I just looked at the ramifications of someone else's bad idea. I passed a billboard today with what looked like a vine wreath and had nothing else but a URL, caps as shown now: After a second of staring (while driving!), I went, 'Oh, okay, crown of thorns, Christian billboard.'. But I have to say, that billboard and URL are really, REALLY badly phrased, and they do lead me to wonder if those folks realize they're advocating that the correct gender/orientations for Christian priests *ought* to be bi/straight women and bi/gay men.

B: My brain is *simultaneously* writing profic... and Plus Ca Change. I would just like to say, what the fucking fuck, brain? (On the other hand, I now know how PCC finishes? I just need the rest of the middle.)

C: Okay, folks, is it just me or does Mozzie (White Collar) make a LOT more sense if we surmise he's either originally from Night Vale or has spent some time there?

3) Welcome to Night Vale is ALL the good crack. I'm partway through episode 1 and had to quit listening so I could quit snickering and watch the road. I know what I'm listening to in the bath for the next few weeks! Many thanks to everyone who's recommended it!

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family, easily amused, vacation, stories: plus ca change, stories: paving stones, religion, easily distracted, fandoms: night vale, fandoms: highlander

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