Reposting some comments Dragon left in a journal entry...

May 08, 2013 13:28

Just because folks were wondering how I could cross Highlander, Leverage, and Undercover Blues, Dragon went for 2 of the 3....

[sound of high-pitched scream, off-stage]

Hardison: What was that?
Elliot: That? That was Muerte.
Hardison: A city this size, and you can recognize one person by their SCREAM?
Elliot: It's a very distinctive scream.

(And now that you've had your unscheduled
draconis silliness, I'll go to PT and then back to finishing the crackfic.  I have no idea why I'm in a giggly mood today, but boy am I!)
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fandoms: leverage, fandoms: undercover blues, cheerful things, crossovers, easily amused

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