'For want of a nail' meme.

May 04, 2013 16:25

Inspired by Doctor Who's "Turn Left:" Pick one of my stories and tell me a point in the tale that you'd change -- something tiny or big -- and I'll tell you how that one difference would have altered the course of the entire story.

Last done over here. (I'm not about to do the meme about 'I'll give you 1-3 lines of a fic I didn't write.' I only just finished AO3 archiving the last round and now I need to catch the Eyrie up over the next several nights/week.)

Right. Back to writing and, tonight, back to coding the 55 fics that don't have pages. For the curious, I'm currently alternating through writing Depth of Field, a.k.a. Southern Comfort 4 (up to 20K, maybe 40% done?  Gods, here I go again), Whispered on the Winds (Methos and Natasha, 12K words, 80% done), and Furlough (Steve Rogers & Matthew McCormick, 4K words and maybe 33% done).  Gah.  I need to write short more often.
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fandoms: marvel, memes, eyrie, writing: updates, fandoms: highlander, ao3

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