Wow, I finished one!

Apr 13, 2013 01:36

"Joe Dawson, B.A.M.F." is now done.  The first draft is, anyway.  ::groaning:: 15 pages, 8,300 words, and it stopped there because I could *make it stop there*.  (If you think this means there are things to deal with later... you're right. Damn it.)  But it was mostly fun, and it's gonna make the Rebecca/SG-1 'verse even more interesting.  So.  It's all good, right?

Hard copy edits tomorrow, and yardwork.  Plus more writing on other fic.  Somewhere in there, I'll get this to the local betas, and then I'll figure out who else to yell to for help.  Meanwhile, wheee!  A fic is done!

And for now... sleep. ::bouncing:: Oh my god, I finally finished something else!

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characters: joe dawson, writing: updates, stories: hlcrossovers

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