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Mar 14, 2013 15:16

I'm having to do a timeline for the Opportunities-verse stories.  ::eyes the whole thing:: I would just like to say, "Plot, why do you love me so?"

ETA:  ...Marvel thinks Iron Man 2 is 6 months post Iron Man, that Hulk is taking place at the same time.  (Hulk and IM 1 both came out in 2008; IM2 in 2010.  So wtf?)  I just.... No, really, what?  I guess I can set Avengers whatever damn time of year I want, short of winter.  But dear gods, now I have to figure out what year!

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stories: opportunities-verse, cheese with that whine, writing: discussions, wtf, continuity is not a dirty word, writing: updates, what was i thinking?

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