Book recs!

Feb 19, 2013 14:04

If, like me, you own a paperback copy of Death of the Necromancer that's been read so many times it's falling apart, then I have good news for you:  Death of the Necromancer came out in ereader formats today!  Seriously, this novel has magic, mystery, intrigue, fascinating characters (both the major and minor ones), and enough plot twists and competence to make me grin like a fiend.  If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend it.  (And then once you're hooked, go try Martha's other books -- she's an excellent writer.)

If you try it, like it, and want suggestions for where to dive in next, I'm always happy to pimp I mean, discuss her stuff.  I think I've been reading her since, um, hell, Wheel of the Infinite isn't right, because I saw that, saw the author and grabbed that mother in hardback even if money was a little tight that year.  I think I actually started with a used copy of Necromancer, come to think of it, and got City of Bones used, and then pounced...  Never mind.  Long story short:  Try this book.  I think damn near everyone on my friends' list would like it, guys.  It made the final list for that year's Nebula for damn good reason.

Okay.  Off to buy a book (or four; I have a gift certificate I've been saving from Christmas...) and go back to writing.  300 words added to the Haven/HL one, 300 or so to the Leverage/HL/Undercover Blues, about 800 words added to Joe Dawson, B.A.M.F., and I need to go write about Joe's bouncers...

(And now I have the title of Wheel of the Infinite fixed.  Sheesh, my brain!)

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characters: joe dawson, books: recommendations, authors: martha wells, tech, writing: updates

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