Weekend WIP, 'Sam Vimes' school of policing,' meme

Feb 15, 2013 15:56

You know:  process, watch, and, as needed, prod buttocks.  (There will be no going Librarian-poo, however.) /Discworld jokes

Gacked from
vaznetti : WIP buttkick: these are titles/brief descriptions of my active WIPs. Pick one and I'll write you 100 or more new words for it. (I offer no guarantees, but I'll do my best!)  And if I do write it, I'll mention word count/page count before and after, too.

If you remember a story of mine that should be on this list and I've completely forgotten it, put it on here and ask anyway.  What the hell, if I don't remember, I probably need the kick.  (Yes, Devo, you can remind me to write more on the three orig fic ones.)

5 Bouncers Joe Paid & 1 He Didn't, Highlander (HL)/Leverage so far -- Just what it says.  Using the fic with Eliot and Aidan bouncing jackasses as part one.  Which means I need 5 more (sets? of) bouncers.  I have crossover100  prompts to fill, what?  I think I'm currently planning on Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson as one set.

An Apple A Day Per Century, Avengers/Thor/Captain America -- In which I finally fill my own prompt and have Sif beg half an apple from Idunn for Peggy Carter.  (I cannot get the plot to work with the POV person.  Driving me crazy.)

Depth of Field HL, Southern Comfort pt 4, HL -- In which Methos comes through San Francisco and all hell breaks loose.

Furlough, HL/Marvel, *not* part of the Opportunities-verse, I don't think --  Steve Rogers, Matthew McCormick, art museums, talk, and incoming trouble, although I don't yet know what variety.

Joe Dawson, B.A.M.F., HL/Stargate: SG-1. Part of the Rebecca & SG-1 uni -- *Precisely* what the title says.

Ransom of the Red-Headed League, Marvel/HL Opportunities-verse part, um, 5 now?  -- Yes.  Both of the implied jokes in the title mash-up apply!  Also turning into a very long story, hopefully not a novella.  But so far I have, um, Pepper, Natasha, Sean and Rebecca *inside* the hostage situation; Coulson, various SHIELD, Marcus Constantine and Amanda *outside* it; and ::flinching:: Darius and Grayson 'interested' in it.

Some Party, HL/White Collar (minor crossover).  -- Sequel to Imaginings and Incantations for the
hl_chronicles  challenges.  In which Connor funds, El organizes, and Joe throws a party which can turn into a wedding if the two grooms want to get married.

Trashing the Red Rooms, X-Files, Marvel movies.  --  Sequel to Nalyevo.  Krycek, the Winter Soldier, and a target.

Untitled, Haven/HL Aidanverse/maybe WH13 -- Started for
spook_me , in which Marc's working with the Portland, ME VA, Aidan and Connor are opening a bookstore, and people are vanishing in some cases and turning up maimed or dead in others.  What I don't know is if it's a Trouble or an Artifact.  This was turning into a novella, which is why I wrote Red Skull poetry for
spook_me instead.

Untitled, HL reboot -- Started for
hl_chronicles , how I'd do the Highlander movie if I was setting it in 2012.  (So, a Connor joins the Game fic.)

Untitled, HL/Miss Marple -- Started for Girl_Saves_Boy (The World) challenge, ought to have a title at 16 pages but doesn't.  A dead body was found outside Much Benham in Sept '42.  Inspector Slack would be a lot happier if he wasn't a Yank, and hadn't had a solid gold shoulder brooch in a pocket.

The Veneer Job, HL/Leverage/Undercover Blues (yes, really) -- In which 'Let's go steal an FBI agent' is turning out to be the *easy* part.

Ways of Love, HL/Leverage (was HL/X-Files, but Eliot feels like a better fit here than Krycek) -- Pre-Leverage, the time that Matthew is hunting a serial killer on his own time because no one at work thinks he's right, and Eliot's hunting her too - before she catches *him*.

The Wild Hunt, HL/X-Files -- The final part of Doppelganger/Storm Crow, or 'How I'd end the fucking conspiracy/invasion.'  Y'all don't want to know how long the list of 'scenes to include' on this is.  *Hoo* boy.

Whispered on the Winds (title subj. to change without notice), Marvel/HL Opportunities-verse, story um 4 in this, I think.  This is the Methos & Natasha story I've been bitching about.  Up past 9K words, and about 70% done, I hope?

I think that's everything?  Boy, I hope so.  Okay.  I'm going to go finish editing Auld Lang Syne to post that tonight, I hope.

ETA:  Okay.  Auld Lang Syne is up at AO3; Unexpected Allies has been unearthed from DW comments and is also up there. I'll start posting 'added words' comments tomorrow.  The stomach bug flattened me again this morning (Saturday 2/16).  Stupid thing. This should be interesting!

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challenges: spook me, hl chronicles, challenges: girl saves boy, stories: aidan-verse, crossovers100, stories: opportunities-verse, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: white collar, fandoms: miss marple, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: x-files, writing: work(s) in progress, fandoms: haven, memes, fandoms: undercover blues, stories: southern comfort, fandoms: leverage

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