I have been *waiting* to use this icon!

Feb 11, 2013 01:20

Whee!  Printed out for hardcopy edits tomorrow. ::amused:: After that, I'll send it out to betas.  Er.  Raine, I know you said you'd look at it, but can I get a couple volunteers to beta a Buffy/HL/mythology crossover?  Made of crack, but I had fun writing the fight scene.  And coming up with the demons.  And, er, letting Alex and Xan out.  5,500 words, give or take.  Knowing me, probably 5,800 by the time I send it out.  A Buffy beta to see if voices over in that fandom sound right would be helpful?

Anyway.  WHEE!  I have a fic done!  Tomorrow edits and then more writing on fic that's, er, supposed to have been up next. Oops.  Oh, well. Night, all!  (Thanks for the icon,
gigglingkat !)

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crossovers100, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, writing: updates, fandoms: highlander, characters: alex & xan, mythology

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