Secondary character lists updated -- yay!

Jan 10, 2013 17:11

The fic lists I keep for Matthew (DW LJ), Rebecca (DW LJ), and Sean (DW LJ) have been updated again and once again we have new fic for all three characters, and new authors added for Matthew and Rebecca.

Man, though.  Not nearly enough Sean fics.  Anyone else want to call February minor characters month and we'll write fic with the less-known folks?

Okay. And as long as I'm being productive, time to go redo the short-form
hl_chronicles  master list*, then I can cross-post to mailing lists about a whole lot of new HL fic this year.... (
hl_chronicles ,
hlh_shortcuts , and these updated lists).

Okay, fine, the cross-posting might be tomorrow.  If anyone wants to volunteer for that part, please, feel free.

* Redo because damn it, I did this -- and apparently it didn't save.  The file exists, it just doesn't have the three pages of URL links.  Blast it.

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characters: matthew mccormick, characters: rebecca horne, challenges, writing: character discussions, characters: sean burns, fandoms: highlander

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