Random. What else is new?

Jan 06, 2013 23:11

Still resisting getting a tumblr.

Wrote a short (really, 210 words, I think?) Shadow fic for elistaire for the Fandom Snowflake challenge that's going on.  She asked for Margo being kick-ass, and since she's been kind enough to write Rebecca (HL) and Margo (Shadow) for me, well....  I went, or at least wrote her, The Extra Miles.

And damn it.  I know, good and damn well, that I created a short-form list of all the
hl_chronicles  stories (Author, title, links).  Apparently, I somehow managed not to save the damn thing.  So, recreating that is on tomorrow's to-do list.  Three pages printed, that thing was.  Gah.

I think I'm gonna go update the Matthew, Rebecca, and/or Sean lists (depends on when I give out tonight and go to sleep), and tomorrow... I will finish those if need be, and write another Joe fic, and get back to writing.  Holidays and birthday are over; back to work it is.

Oh, and equally randomly, since I'm starting to track reading for the year (50 books, huh?  It'd get me to read a bit less fanfic, gods know...):  So far, A Visual Guide To Castle Amber by Zelazny, The Skyliners and Galloway, by Louis L'Amour, Princess of Wands by John Ringo (which skeeved me out, actually), and the current books are The First Prophet by Kay Hooper, Zelazny's first Amber book (I have the 10 in 1 omnibus and am working back through it), and a book on Poisons that
alysswolf got me for Christmas.  50 huh?  Yeah.  I'm nicely on track.

Night, all!

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fandoms: sackett/talon books, hl chronicles, reading, characters: rebecca horne, characters: sean burns, easily amused, fandoms: shadow, fandoms: chronicles of amber, characters: matthew mccormick, easily distracted, fandoms: highlander

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