I still love this damn movie.

Dec 31, 2012 15:35

Watching Highlander again, still wondering what Connor was doing at that wrestling match (Fasil sent word of a challenge?), and remembering, again, just how much I love this movie and Connor.  ::raises a wine glass:: To the scruffy immortal with a fondness for tennis shoes, jeans, and trench coats, with eyes as changeable as his ethics aren't.

ETA:  Questions coming to mind this rewatch:

Why did a handful of his clan break off to try and save Connor? Movie-wise, because he's the star.  But in universe?  Was he that popular, or had his adoptive parents been that important in the clan?

Also, dear *gods*.  I want an AU, or at least a short fic in an AU, where Heather is also an immortal because *dear gods*, what a joy of an immortal she'd make!  Those two would be a glorious pair, to inspire more like Gina and Robert.

Now back to writing.

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characters: connor, cheerful things, fandoms: highlander

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