Random reading comment and fandom meme

Nov 06, 2012 13:49

I have got to remember to make sure stuff I download from AO3 is finished.  (Although, in my defense, 110K words does lead one to think it must surely be done.  Not chapter 11/?)

Gacked from
clanwilliam :

Name a fandom [that I'm familiar with] and I'll tell you which character I'll most likely:

1. bake cupcakes cook something nice for:
2. trust with the keys to my car:
3. put thumbtacks on the chair thereof:
4. have a crush on:
5. pack up and leave if they moved next door:
6. vote for President (or, again, alternatively support as leader of the party for whom I vote):
7. pick as my partner in a buddy movie:
8. pair up:
9. vote off the island and into the volcano:
10. wheedle into fixing my MP3 player or carrying my shopping home.

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