::facepalms:: it's one of those days

Sep 20, 2012 17:25

Where, among other things, I just got stupid and lost all my Firefox cookies, and the open tabs.  ::sighs:: I wanted to whittle them down, I grant you, but not quite like this.  And the whole thing started because I finally let iTunes update... and it borked so thoroughly that I can't even seem to restore to previous versions of iTunes.  I think I want a few drinks and a night off.  But if anyone has any suggestions for how I fix iTunes or what music player to go to, I'd be glad to hear it. Okay.  I've restored to an old version of iTunes and just have to copy playlists over from my old system.  Or my iPod, if I can....

If you have fic I should have left comments on, er, you might want to tell me.  If it was open in a tab to read, it's gone. Damn it. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
comments on DW

cheese with that whine, what was i thinking?

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