I don't even know, and I'm not sure I want y'all to tell me

Aug 30, 2012 15:03

...I'm writing.  I'm writing fic A (Misplaced Pieces)  that's one side of the fic B (Whispered In The Wind), which I'm writing for art
pentapus  drew.  And for reasons having to do with plot, I'm going  back through Captain America and pausing scenes with Steve, Bucky, and the Commandos to watch body language, and behavior.  I have come to the terrifying conclusion that I have wandered into a new fandom and it's making grabby hands at me.  Oh HELL.

Is it to late to ask for help?  ::looks at my available icons, both on DW and in my icons folder:: ...yeah, probably.

Think I'll go finish that fight scene now, and then go work on the Methos/Black Widow fic.  (Yeah, all titles tentative 'til I finish them.)

Send help.  Or maybe just alcohol, MREs/C-rats, and a map....

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writing: updates, easily amused, fandoms: marvel, writing: the good crack again, crossovers, fandoms: highlander, writing: beta requests, what was i thinking?

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