Roleplaying crossover meme.

Aug 09, 2012 14:00

Gacked from
kayim :

1. Make a post with these instructions.
2. Post a snippet of dialogue from the character in your icon.  (Maybe leave me the name/fandom if you don't think I'll know them.)
3. Your flist/dwircle will respond with dialogue from the character in their own icon.
4. Have lots of random crossover conversations between fictional characters.
5. Have fun. And bunnies.

Two in the morning and you come wandering into my bar, huh?  What, no one else was open, or you wanted someplace the cops swing through occasionally?  What the hell.  Pull up a stool, grab one for me, and here, have a drink on the house -- it's too late for me to sell it to you and if you're here with a story this late, it's gonna need some lubrication.  Or maybe anesthetic.

-- Joe Dawson, Highlander (mortal, Watcher, bartender and bluesman)

11:30 CDT (Greenwich+6) Off to bed, folks. I'll catch back up on this tomorrow, when I'm not enjoying the lovely cool(er) weather!

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characters: joe dawson, memes, writing: updates, crossovers

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