... has no one else heard this?

Jul 26, 2012 13:20

I mean, I know I'm not on the Leverage communities, but I'd sort of expected to hear some squee somewhere on my friends' circle about the commentary for "The Last Dam Job."  You know, the part where John Rogers says (and then repeats) that in his head it's canon that Maggie and Sophie have a thing with each other?

For the curious, my transcription:
(Scene where Sophie's telling Nate she called Maggie in, 28:48-29:10 of "The Last Dam Job")

John Rogers: "I think in canon, I'll say that they're involved.  Like, also. Not just, not just Sophie and Nate."

Wil Wheaton: "Really?"

John:  "Yeah.  I'm gonna say so. I'm gonna say Sophie and Maggie.  Do with that what you will."

Dean Devlin:  "You usually preface it with fanfic.  You usually say 'fanfic' 'real life.' "

Wil: "That's in canon?"

John: "I'm gonna... that's in canon.  One of those little drunken things."

(These last four overlap through each other, but yeah.  NB: From context tone, I can't tell you if he's saying he's drunk that he's saying that, or if he's saying Maggie and Sophie were drunk. It could go either way.)

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fandoms: leverage, cheerful thing, easily amused

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