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Jul 04, 2012 16:19

From the play/movie 1776, an exchange between Stephen Hopkins, a glorious man from Rhode Island (the one who's always drinking rum), and Dr. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania. (What?  Does he need introduction?).

Hopkins: Ah, Ben! I want you to see some cards I'd gone and had printed up. Oughta save everybody here a lot of time and effort, considering the epidemic of bad disposition that's been going on around here lately. "Dear Sir, you are without any doubt, a rogue, a rascal, a villain, a thief, a scoundrel, and a mean, dirty, stinking, sniveling, sneaking, pimping, pocket-picking, thrice double-damned no-good son of a bitch." and you sign your name - what do you think?

Franklin: I'll take a dozen, right now.

So will I, gentlemen. Please. No one in this town can drive in the heat, apparently...

Other memorable quotes can be found here.  ::happy sigh:: I love this movie.

ETA:  And the barbershop quartet singing about, among other things, "Homicide!  Homicide!  We may see murder yet!"
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quotes, politics, history, cheerful thing, movies: recommendations, easily amused

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