This is pretty much so I can find it again!

Jun 18, 2012 22:10

From my file on surviving members of the line of Rhys-Tewdor:

Saffron of Norwich has one surviving student, a man named James Smythe who's hiding in Bora Bora.

Enrique Alba is survived by one student, Rafferty Conlan, who's still having nightmares about LaCroix (and who will eventually end up studying with Kastagir and apprenticing with him as a woodworker -- he likes kids; the guy is NOT all bad).

Chris Henslowe is survived by his first student, Laurent Gaultier, about whom I have no info.  (Well, okay, Farrell tells me he's sleazy.)

Lim Mahn is still alive and living in San Francisco now; he had no idea that Alex and Xan live in Sacramento or he'd have settled elsewhere. (Eventually, Alex will kill him, too, for reasons having to do with Matthew and Connor moving to San Francisco with new students.  That'll be ugly and painful.)  His student Chao Yai-lung is also alive in Brazil and will challenge Farrell Jameson in London about a year after Lim dies, holding Farrell responsible for Lim's death.  Moron.

Other than that?  The line is gone.  Farrell renounced it, Marc says it was the equivalent of disowning, and Rafferty, like Farrell, will end up claiming Kastagir.

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