Highlander Chronicles -- Sign-ups end today!

Jun 03, 2012 16:38

If you want to sign up, this would be your last chance! (It's also the last time I'll bother you guys at my journal with this. Although I reserve the right to mention it when we start posting in late summer and/or to rec stuff on my Friday Fic posts.)

At LJ --

At DW --

If you don't have time right now but find time over the summer and haven't signed up, you are still welcome to post at either community on Free-For-All Fridays so long as your creation fits the challenge rules. And everyone's encouraged to watch the journals -- we have 50 people signed up now, for multiple types of fic, art, vids, etc so it should get interesting this fall!

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hl chronicles, challenges, cheerful things, fandoms: highlander, easily amused

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