Anyone have a Bucky Barnes sniper icon I can share?

May 22, 2012 15:16

...for reasons which will shortly become very apparent.  Pardon me, I'm still over here going, 'What the blazes did I just write?' On the other hand, a character I greatly dislike is back out of my head and no longer talking to me.  Mere words cannot express the relief, and please pass the brain bleach, or at least assure me that no, 3 PM is not too soon for wine?

Icon, please, while I edit?  And then,er, any of you familiar with both X-Files and Marvel who'd look at a 1400-1500 word fic? (Or maybe someone who barely knows either and can tell me where I lost them?  Seriously. What the everliving hell was I thinking?!)

ETA:: Also?  OW.  A strained ankle is not of the good.  Thank goodness for ice packs.

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fandoms: marvel, wtf, writing: updates, crossovers, fandoms: x-files, wine, writing: beta requests

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