Friday fic, definitely late. Avengers & HL Chronicles ate my brain.

May 14, 2012 00:14

Yes, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. What? Be glad the new season of Sherlock isn't adding much more to the effect. (Of course, I need to do this again at least once this week, just to keep trying to win the war of the open tabs vs the RAM...)

Avengers: Great Women Don't Need Big Guns, by
misura . Summary: Peggy gets a new uniform and a new gun and new shooting lessons which she probably doesn't need, given the oh-so neutral expression on Coulson's face when they get back and the fact that Clint is seriously and actually flirting with her. Or, well, at her. (AU, but read it for the bank robbery. You'll see.)

Avengers: Heroism and Stealth, by
Sheeana . Summary: Jane Foster visits Avengers headquarters to help install a program she designed, and gets caught up in helping with their latest problem.

Avengers: Scavenger Hunting Is Extremely Likely Dangerous (S.H.I.E.L.D.) , by
Amathela . Summary: Nobody ever owns up to starting the scavenger hunt, but given that the first item is "procure fully weaponised robot armour," it's a safe bet that Tony's the one to blame. (Sif/Darcy. Yes. I read it just to see how this happened.)

Avengers: Some Things Shouldn't Be A Chore, by
scifigrl47 . Summary: Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick.

And some things shouldn't be a chore.

(Okay, look. Read this. This is the one with sentient toaster -- yes; blame Tony -- and the somewhat sentient Roombas, also blame Tony. DO NOT eat or drink while reading. Ditto for the next one in the series. And the third one is still posting but looks like a complete blast. But expect to laugh yourself out of breath and possibly into tears; I did.)

Avengers: Stockholm Syndrome, by
AlchemyAlice . Summary: In which Coulson is his frighteningly competent self, but this time, the Avengers notice.

Avengers: Those Bad Days, by icarus_chained . Summary: The first time Bruce hulks out in the lab, it isn't Tony's fault, but fucked if he'll let that stop him

Avengers: you need a rock not a rolling stone by
topaz . Summary: The first time Darcy gets kidnapped by a mad scientist, it is not her fault.

Avengers line-up: The heights of the various actors playing the Avengers. You never know what odd details will be useful, right?

Avengers tumblr I'm enjoying: Ask The Son of Coul

Avengers: Dinosaur Avengers , by Teryl Whitlach. (Yes, I am that easily amused.)

Avengers: interview with Joss Whedon.

Discworld: Ladies' Day Out, by
Vintar . Summary: The impact of unregulated collection on the draconic biodiversity of the greater Ankh-Morpork region by Vimes (née Ramkin), S. Presented to the Ankh-Morpork Dragon Fanciers Society, Grune, Year of the Reversed Ptarmigan.

Hypothesis: poachers can be firmly deterred by a gumboot to the ear and some stern words, by Jove.

Harry Potter: Two Households, by
mad_martha . Summary: An AU where Harry Potter gets sorted into Slytherin. Start with story 5, Two Households, read through, then double back to the start. (LONG. 600K over 10 stories, but glorious world building and OCs.)

Harry Potter/original Sherlock Holmes: The Fourth Deadly Hallow, by Gingertart. Summary: From the private journal of John. H. Watson MD; not intended for publication. Being an account of the strange case of the Fourth Deathly Hallow; in which Dr John H. Watson and Mr Sherlock Holmes save a life, discover the true secret of Professor Moriarty, unravel a time loop or two, encounter a femme fatale, imbibe potions, break into and out of a wizarding mansion, hide in a male brothel, go shopping, track down a magical artefact, almost attend a ritual sacrifice, fail to be Obliviated and totally ignore the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy of 1692, all in the company of a lank-haired, irascible but secretly besotted schoolmaster, a bemused aristocrat and an increasingly perceptive and enamoured young hero.

Highlander: Mnemosyne, by
Medie . Summary: Wounds of the flesh heal easily for Immortals, the ones of the soul, less so. (Yes. I just rec'd Cassandra fic. Go, read.)

Highlander/Buffy: WVIS, by
Mackiedockie . Summary: Watchers may be very interested in sharing, but certain precautions must be observed. Warning for Librarianspeak. (Partly a riff off one of my stories, she says, and I love the ways it's so different!)

The Losers: Next of kin (we're all born renegades), by
Storm_petrel (Seriously, if you like the Losers, just go read *all* of Storm_petrel's fic. What are you waiting here for?). Summary: The first time Jensen meets Max, he's cuffed to a chair with a dislocated jaw. Things don't improve significantly from this point onwards.

Sherlock: Off-side coupling reins, width 3/4 inch, by
pendrecarc . Summary: "Never let me deny the value of the fairer sex, Watson. My life would be considerably poorer without it.” (This is the ACD canon remix of another favorite,
AJHall 's Rigging Screws, size 1 3/8th inch, galvanized. Summary: "How's a woman supposed to prove her husband's a murderer, dammit?"

(On the eve of a planned voyage to Brittany, Marjorie Jameson starts her day with no problems more pressing than forcing a boatyard to do an emergency repair to the family yacht. A chance encounter at the Cowes hi-speed ferry terminal begins to unravel a web of conspiracy and murder, with her charming, untrustworthy husband Julian right at the centre and Marjorie as the next intended victim.

(But no-one's going to trust the word of an aging housewife whose complaints of abuse the police have previously dismissed as delusions.)

Sherlock: Security Check , by keerawa . Summary: Sherlock frequently worked with highly classified material in his home; any potential flat-mate would need to be vetted.

Sherlock: No H8 art, by
thenizu .

Stargate Atlantis: Tribute-Devotion, by
tdancinghands . Summary: In Prague, an era comes to an end, and countless light-years distant, in the Pegasus Galaxy, one man feels the ripples... and finds he has created some himself. (Hat-tip to
kickair8p .)

Stargate: SG-1: Fair Play, by
Penknife . Summary: Five times Vala and Teal'c didn't play by the rules.

Vorkosigan-verse: Five Strays Elizabeth Naismith Took In (And One That Got Away), by

minutia-r. Summary: Dear Cordelia,

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that Miles is a charming and intelligent young man; I've been enjoying his company immensely. He's made plenty of friends, and taken to the social opportunities at school with a great deal of verve. (For more details, please see the attached disciplinary reports from Principal Hatter.)

Writing Cartoon: Writers on vacation.

Various neat stuff:

A writer's manifesto: (Hat-tip to
kayim )
XKCD on the relative sizes of ships and ocean depths.
The really wild pipe-organ desk, complete with secret compartments.
Calvin & Hobbes cupcakes: (These have to be seen to be believed.)
Free nature sounds mixer (includes the ability to export/create mp3 of your mixes)
ORBIS, which lets you reconstruct the duration and financial cost of travel in antiquity. Seems to be Mediterranean-centric, but hey, it looks neat! (Hat-tip to
raine .)

And this one is both neat and sad: The photographs are amazing, both as art and history, but oh, I can only hope his stained glass was half as gorgeous as some of these photos.
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fandoms: the losers, fandoms: stargate sg-1, fic: recommendations, writing, art: recommendations, photographs, fandoms: vorkosiganverse, fandoms: stargate atlantis, fandoms: sherlock holmes, fandoms: harry potter, fandoms: marvel, friday fic, cheerful things, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: highlander

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