Hey, wait, Friday fic on Friday? Huh. Can I do that?

Mar 23, 2012 22:19

Avengers: Five Times Coulson Said Yes Without Saying It (And One Time He Said No), by
jenna_thorn . Summary: The gunman kept piling requests like a kid on Santa’s lap and Coulson listened with half an ear - a helicopter, a bus with fuel to Mexico, food from a local restaurant, Christina Hendricks. Proof the man was insane; they weren’t going to deliver a high profile hostage, not even in trade for children, but Coulson couldn’t fault his taste in women. His earpiece clicked.

“In position.” Barton’s voice was quiet, but clear.

Avengers: Arms and the Man, by
sam_storyteller . Summary: His best friend keeps cockblocking him, his relationship guru is a computer, and he might be gay. The future is very complicated.

Avengers: Snakeshark, by 
Sidneysussex . Summary: "Don't go into the water" is pretty good advice.
... That is, if the shark can't come out of the water.

Forever Knight: A Hunt By Any Other Name, by
brightknightie . Summary: Janette and Natalie are among the passengers stuck in a glass-sided mall elevator under a skylight, with dawn on the way.
"However the observance had begun, it had evolved into a holiday honoring the hunt - and of the hunt, Janette was a most ardent devotee."

Harry Potter: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes: The Ministry Disapproved Edition (The Liability Remix), by lorax . Summary: From the Desk of Percival Ignatius Weasley, Concerning the twins' latest product line.

Harry Potter/Highlander: The Death of Regulus Black, by 
auberus  & 
MorgynLeri . Summary: Regulus wanted someone who didn't think that lethal valuables were nothing more than an irritation while ransacking a house. And who might be able to help him with the fact he didn't think this through as much as he's really wishing he had. (Has a few typos, but it looks like the start of an interesting series. ::cheerful:: And it's Matthew fic!)

Leverage: Making Nice, by
nightcamedown . Summary: Fluffy post-ep for The San Lorenzo Job, in which there is a Psych marathon and Eliot comes perilously close to Having A Feeling.

Sherlock Holmes (the 2009 movie, S. 1 of BBC series, the AC Doyle illustrations): Vid, Whole New Way, by mresundance . 3:00. Summary: Holmes/Watson/Fandom. Epic romance since 1887.

20 Heroic Librarians who save the world. (What? Librarians are the secret knowledge masters of the world. Do not annoy them.)

Writing advice for dialogue and plotting; for writing faster; and general tips from Chuck Palahniuk.
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fandoms: forever knight, writing, fandoms: sherlock holmes, fandoms: harry potter, vids: recommendations, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: leverage, friday fic, fandoms: highlander

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