Fic Round-up Meme & Favorite Lines Meme

Jan 04, 2012 00:19

My favorite story this year: You See Two Geek Geniuses And Several Computers, Warehouse 13/Leverage, gen. I had such a blast figuring out how to do a Girl Saves Boy(s) (the world) fic that intersected with the famous computer game with 'a maze of twisty passages all alike.' Also, I got to add Claudia Donovan to the list of characters who will come and gleefully take over a story and RUN with that mother. It's like letting Joe Dawson loose, or Cam Mitchell -- she just starts talking and you're off and trying to keep up.

My best story this year: Interesting. I don't really have an opinion on this. Let's go with a three-way tie: You See Two Geek Geniuses And Several Computers, Recoveries, HL/White Collar, gen (Marcus Constantine hiring Methos as a recovery agent), and 5 Things Steve Rogers Gave Up To Be Captain America, Captain America/Marvel movies, gen (just what it says).

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Not Fall To PIeces, due South, gen. The 27th Precinct and zombies and honestly, it's got that mad mix of humor, odd practicality, and gallows humor that due South could do so well, but it seemed to fall and vanish. Drat it.

Sexiest story: Girls' Knights Out, SG-1/HL, gen. Amanda and Vala drinking and discussing sex and thieving, while the men (sensibly) flee the field. I had fun leaving room for innuendo and implications in this!

Most fun story: You See Two Geek Geniuses And Several Computers. Definitely.

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, Homicidal Maniacs, HL/X-Files, gen. Just the idea of the villain staying and working in that room, sleeping in that bed -- eeww.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: No Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth, Burn Notice, gen. Fiona's even sharper, smarter, and more shadowed than I'd thought. But I like her a lot.

Hardest story to write: Grey Cats in the Dark, HL/X-Files, gen. Cory and Krycek, trading alibis and getting things done. Hands down, no questions asked, the hardest. It's ten linked drabbles, but more than that, it's ten themed, linked, consecutive drabbles that tell a story with its own arc and its own revelations about the characters. It's a good job, I think, but dear GODS it was a lot of work for 1,000 words. I'm not sure I'll ever do one of these again just because it *was* such a pain to write such a precise, constrained piece.

Biggest disappointment: Breaking, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer (Buffy/HL in one ending), gen, horror. Written for
spook_me and honestly, it just doesn't work. Worse, I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I may have to go back, reread Memento (Mori) and try it in 2nd person nightmare. I have the images clear and horrific in my mind, but it was almost as if I needed to be able to film it to make it frightening enough. Don't be surprised if this gets rewritten this year.

Biggest surprise: Blind (As) Luck, HL/due South, gen. Armando Langoustini, Ray Vecchio, and the Immortal Cimmoli. I never thought I'd write Ray Vecchio, much less Ray when he's still undercover with the mob. I liked this one.

Most unintentionally *telling* story: Wheat Hair & Weddings, Highlander/Lord Peter Wimsey books. From my 1000 regrets challenge. It's about old loves and new, regrets and attempts not to hurt people. And somehow, it's completely me.

A story I want remembered: 5 Things Steve Rogers Gave Up To Be Captain America. I think this may be the one with the most truth in it, not just in what he gave up and how he looks at it but the humor and acceptance and determination... Steve Rogers really is/was a hero, and I think this came close to doing that some justice.

Favorite Lines Meme:

Wheat Hair & Weddings, Highlander/Lord Peter Wimsey books. "She was one of my regrets, Highlander. I wasn't one of hers, thank God."

Changes, Highlander Aidan-verse. "Oh, so this is a teacher thing," he teased.

Old Dogs & Tricks, Highlander Aidan-verse. The email that came back had a Word attachment called "Old Dogs and Tricks" and a note saying, "The word you're going to be looking up next is 'fanfiction.'

Not Heated, Highlander. Joe first choked on his beer, then coughed it out over the condensation rings Methos had been idly working into a chessboard layout.

Old Friends & Silver, Burn Notice, gen. Michael scooped the bullet up before it could roll under his bed, paused a moment to realize what was off about it, and then lifted an eyebrow. "A silver bullet, Sam?

No Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth, Burn Notice, gen. They've put it down to a woman in love, but Fiona knows, better than they do, that that's neither forgiveness nor forgetting.

Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, Homicidal Maniacs, HL/X-Files, gen. Left to himself, Mulder would have been in the lead as they came down the hall.

Blind (As) Luck, HL/due South, gen. "And I suppose his middle name is Lazarus?"

Grey Cats in the Dark, HL/X-Files, gen. When the alley shadows rose up to drag them down, Cory left the pile of corpses behind them in the still quiet pre-dawn air.

Grim Castle, Buffy/Discworld, gen. "Huh. Neat voice. Does it come with an instructional manual, or just the monthly payments of 19.95?"

Girls' Knights Out, SG-1/HL, gen. "No, no, no," Amanda said airily. "Leather for the ones who *think* they don't underestimate you, and silk for the ones who just have no idea."

Kindred Spirits, HL/Leverage, gen. "Oh. Why didn't you say you were family?"

Spice of Life, Leverage/HL (Aidan-verse), gen. Eliot pushed his hair back, untangled a couple strands from the cuts clotting on his knuckles, and took another pull of his beer.

Vintage Appreciation, Forever Knight/Southern Vampire aka True Blood. "They are sweet, aren't they? Honey wine and summer vines and mistletoe to poison you under that."

Dates, HL/Forever Knight, gen. "Un-anniversaries work better after that many wives anyway..."

5 Things Steve Rogers Gave Up To Be Captain America, Captain America/Marvel movies, gen. Dugan said, "Look up, Captain, look around, or you'll be worse than a cab horse in blinders -- and we'll get blindsided."

Recoveries, HL/White Collar, gen. Great. Pierson knew he did, and Constantine did -- how had he figured that out? -- and now Peter was figuring it out from that narrow-eyed look.

You See Two Geek Geniuses And Several Computers, Warehouse 13/Leverage, gen. "You worried levels of emergency, got it. Artie? Remind me. Did you panic about HG trying to destroy the planet?"

Breaking, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer (Buffy/HL in one ending), gen, horror. "Gourmet snobs make the next few meals taste even more."

Friend of the Family, Highlander (HL), Aidan-verse, gen. "Joe, I would never make you chase me down with a cane."

Apocalypse Drinking, HL/Dresden Files, gen. "There's a sign of an apocalypse drinking Mac's beer."

Hippocrates' Garden, HL/Buffy, gen. Oz shrugged and pointed out, "Saves arguments with insurance companies?"

Occupy Immortality, HL. Their suspect had put his feet up on the table, tilted back comfortably on two chair legs. The bastard looked like he was about to take a nap.

We'd Better Switch the Guests To Decaf, HL/White Collar. Yeah, her fingers were tapping on her thighs, a bad sign he hadn't seen since she took on a last-minute 500 person wedding for a major bonus that she'd more than earned by the end....

Reading You Five By Five, Leverage/The Losers. "I'm more worried about Sophie meeting al-Fadhil," Eliot said dryly.

Not Fall To Pieces, due South, gen. "We're putting police on the front lines because working in the precincts gives us experience at not shooting Chicagoans just for being annoying."

The Veneer Job part 1 of 4 or 5, HL/Leverage/Undercover Blues, gen (might yet go to slash)."I have a problem with it," Hardison said indignantly. "I am not getting shot down in my prime for hacking while brown!"

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fandoms: stargate sg-1, fandoms: lord peter wimsey books, fandoms: dresden files, fandoms: due south, fandoms: white collar, fandoms: buffy, fandoms: warehouse 13, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: forever knight, fandoms: the losers, fandoms: captain america, writing: discussions, fandoms: x-files, memes, fandoms: undercover blues, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: burn notice

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