Fandom Snowflake Challenge, day 1 (a day late)

Jan 02, 2012 22:50

Day 1

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Drop a link to your post in the comments.

Oh, man. So many to choose from...

I don't write meta often, but I have two I'm proud of:
In Defense of Original Characters, and Rhi's Pissed-Off Quasi-Feminist Manifesto (a.k.a. damn right we get to brag about our talents. Particularly in this meme.)
Back at fiction, have some random favorites:

Mad crossover: Fire In The Hole, in which Cory Raines, Carl Robinson, and Fox Mulder all show up at the Cleveland Hellmouth on the same night.

Gleeful crack: Ruffled Feathers. Methos, Aziraphale, and Crowley. The first Crossovers 100 fic I wrote and I kept giggling while I was writing it.

Moral imperative fic: Identity Crisis. Because when you're writing HL Crossovers and one of the prompts is, in fact, Death... Methos and Muerte in one place is a necessity.

Really fun short fic: Not In My Bar. A double drabble of Joe Dawson vs. the A-Team.

Long fic: Aidan-verse fic (Call this a Highlander AU, with a lot of canon and original characters): Sirocco. This is the story that twisted, turned, went through multiple POVS and writing styles (villain, hero, 3rd person, journal, epistle) and had everything from humor to drama to angst. And it came out damn well. (The only problem is that it's the culmination of the Line War series, and makes more sense if you've read that.)

Non-Highlander crossover: Not To Plan, written after a discussion of Little Black Dresses of fandom. The second mistake they made was throwing Cam Mitchell in the same cell with Alex Krycek.

Wrong even by my standards: Ill-Met By Moonlight. The villain in this is more than a little squcky, but Oz and Greg Powers are the Hope and Crosby of the weird set.

Horrific: This is a tie between Memento (Mori), which is one long nightmare (and 2nd person at that, I realized after I'd written it) and Handled With A Chain, which looks at *why* James Horton went from Watcher to Hunter. Memento (Mori) was the first time I'd ever had someone offer me art to go with my fic -- thanks, Mischief, I still love it!

In the original author's style: Unanswered Riddles. I did my best to make it sound like part of McKillip's Riddle-Master series, and I think it succeeded. I also think it's a damn good story.

So. Two meta, ten fic -- I'll stop there with a dozen.

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fandoms: stargate sg-1, meta, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: good omens, memes, fandoms: undercover blues, fandoms: riddle-master of hed, challenges, fandoms: buffy, fandoms: a-team, fandoms: highlander

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