Do I post the first part(s) of The Veneer Job or not?

Dec 31, 2011 00:14

I have the first 3,800 words/2 parts done of the Highlander/Leverage/Undercover Blues insanity, a fic that's probably going to run 10-12K in 4 or 5 parts. I have the first two parts done; I even know what happens in part 3, and I think I know how it ends. I say 'think' because my characters have been known to surprise me and there's a faint chance of slash showing up. (Devo is trying to talk me into slash and the characters aren't necessarily arguing.)

But I'm considering posting part 1 on the theory that it'll make sure I finish the whole thing fairly soon. Okay, Storm Crow took 3 years, but Appearances took um, a month, max? (Yes. I'm aware that both of those are crossovers with Matthew, to which I can only say I'm consistent?) ::shrugs:: Yup, I'm dithering.

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Let me know if you guys want an end of year treat, or if you want to wait until it's finished. Meanwhile, I'm heading to bed and will be back late tomorrow. My holiday present from Dragon was massage pampering in about, oh, 12 hours now. Lots of pampering, possibly to be followed by the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Later, guys!

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fandoms: leverage, fandoms: undercover blues, dragon, crossovers, write or die, fandoms: highlander

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